Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Ulangan 3

I. Choose the right answer by crossing a , b , c or d!
1. Father : What time is it ?
It’s one ...
a. Day                          c. Time
b. O’clock                   d. Mounth

2. It’s half past five. It’s ....
a. 5.03                         c. 3.05
b. 5.15                         d. 5.30

3. Sinta blow ......... in her birthday
a. Candle                     c. present
b. Ribbon                    d. Cake

4. I have breakfast at (05.45) ....
a. A five to forty  five       c. Forty five to five
b. A fifteen to five            d. A quarter to six

5. The first day of a week is Sunday. The second day is ...
a. Monday                         c. Wednesday
b. Tuesday                         d.Thursday

6. It is ( 3.52)....
a. Four past eight
b. Ten to four
c. Eight to four
d. Four past ten

7. Students get from ........ at twelve o’clock
a. Mousque                  c. Schooll
b. Market                      d. Zoo

8. Mother gets up at ...... o’clock in the morning
a. Five                         c. Past  
b. Ten                          d. Ballon

9. Berikut ini adalah istilah jam kecuali ....
a. Past      b.  To       c. Quarter       d. For

Read the text to answer no. 10 up to 12

My name is Hans. I come from greece. I want to talk about the season in my country. There are four seasons in my country. They are spring,summer,autumn,and winter.The spring comes in march up to may. The summer comes in june up to august. The autumn comes in september up to november. and the winter comes in december up to February.

10. What month does the summer come?
a. March up to may                           c. September up to November    
b. June up to august                         d. December up to February

11. It’s winter in....
a. March                            c. November
b. October                        d. January

12. What is the weather in September ?
a. Autumn                        c. Spring
b. Winter                           d. Summer

13. In the afternoon, I (membaca) ... the newspaper in the living room.
a. Listen                         c. Read
b. Write                         d. Speak

14. Angka 2 dalam penulisan tanggal, bahasa indonesianya adalah.....
a. Second
b. Two
c. First
d. Twelve

Read the text to answer no.15 up to 17

Arnold gets up at five o’clock. He has breakfast at six o’clock. He goes to school at six thirty. He begins studying at seven o’clock.He goes home at one o’clock.He takes a nap at two o’clock. He watches TV at four o’clock. He has dinner at six fifteen. He reviews his lesson at seven o’clock. He goes to bed at nine o’clock.

15. At 07.00 o’clock in the morning Arnold...
a. Has dinner        b.Watches TV        c.Goes to school      d. Begins studying

16. What does Arnold do at 06.15
a. he has dinner         b.he goes to bed           c.he takes a nap       d. Begins studying

17. At 07.00 pm. Arnold ...
a. Reviews his lesson     b. Goes to school         c. Begins studying        d. Goes to bed

18. If i sick,my mother get me to ....
a. Market     b. Hospital        c. Post office     d. Zoo

19. If you sick you must drink ....
a. Medicine     b. Ice        c. Tea         d. Coffe

20. We watch televisipn with our...
a. Ears     b. Eyes       c. Nose      d. Foot

21. You listen to the radio with your...
a. Mouth       b. Legs       c. Ears      d. Lips

22. I smell something with my...
a. Teeth       b. Mouth        c. Ears      d. Nose

23. He bits food with his..
a. Teeth       b. Mouth       c. Lips      d. Chin

24. We drink some water with..
a. Teeth      b. Mouth       c. Legs      d. Hand

25. It’s a (Kepala).....
a. Hair      b. Head         c. Cheek       d. Chin

26. ..........work in the hospital,she helps doctor.
a. Secretary       b. Nurse      c. Teacher      d. Singer

27. My father is sleeping, because he have got a headache . Kata yang bergaris bawahi artinya..
a. Batuk    b. Sakit kepala    c. Panas     d. Influenza

28. Moslems pray in the ...
a. School    b. Mosque      c. Market     d. Church

29. Rina is reading book in the library. Kata yang bergaris bawahi artinya..
a. Perpustakaan     b. Sekolah    c. Kelas     d. Kantin

30. Mother save money in the....
a. Hospital     b. Bank       c. School     d. Church

31. My father is a ...........  he work in the hospital
a. Doctor        b. Teacher      c. Farmer     d. Pilot

32. The pilot is driving a ...
a. Car      b. Pedicap    c. Plane      d. Train

33. Many planes in the .....
a. Air port                                 c. Bus staion
b. Railroad station                   d. Market

34. Cake  -  buy  mother  -  a. Susunlah
a. Buy cake mother a
b. Mother buy a cake
c. A buy mother cake
d. Mother a buy cake

35. Rika   : What ..... is it ?
Anton: It’s december 21th 2008
a. Day       b. Month        c. Year      d. Date

II. Fill in the blanks !
36. From Monday ...................................... students go to school.
37. ...................... is holiday
38. The last day of a week is ....
39. We walk with our (kaki)....
40. The first month is.......
41. If you eat many candy, you have got....
42. The place to see animals is......
43. We celebrate the new year on.....
44. It is five ........................... three.  (Lewat)
45. I begin (belajar) ................... at seven o’clock

III. Answer the questions below !
46. What time do you have lunch ?
47. What day do you always have a holiday ?
48. Write 5 public place with english
49. Translate in indonesia :
a. Cought :
b. Influenza :
c. Headache :
50. Draw / gambarlah :
a. It is half five
b. It is quarter to two

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